Ahrovan 发表于 2014-2-10 04:09:34

Cubian desktop released

Supported hardware
[*]Other A10,A20 boards works in theoretical
[*]Based on Debian 7.0 wheezy armhf
[*]Latest kernel 3.4.75 and bootloader(u-boot) supports GMAC and lots of new module are compiled.
[*]Minimal LXDE with hardware accelerated. Thanks to ssvb’s great project again.
[*]Slim as default display manager with a custom theme. Believe me, it’s super simple, beautiful and fast.
[*]Chromium browser 16.0. Java applet is supported however adobe flash is NOT supported.
[*]Wicd network manager.
[*]Gorgeous screensavers powered by xscreensaver.
[*]PDFViewr(epdfview), text editor(gvim), CJK fonts
[*]Oracle Java JDK 7


Ref :: cubian-desktop-released | cubian

sencars 发表于 2014-5-5 22:14:33

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